Hockenheim-Ring GmbH
Am Motodrom 1
68766 Hockenheim
Phone: +49 (0) 6205 950-0
Fax: +49(0) 6205 950-299
Email: info@hockenheimring.de
Jochen Nerpel
Jorn Teske
Court of registration
Mannheim No. HRB 422129
DE 217030448
Responsible for content
Kerstin Nieradt
Technically responsible
Matthias Scheffler
Information on online dispute settlement
The EU Commission has created an Internet platform for the online settlement of disputes (known as the “OS platform”). The OS platform is intended to be a place for consumers to turn to for the extra-judicial settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online purchase agreements. You can access the OS platform at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Image rights
Hockenheim-Ring GmbH, Picture archives of the partners and racing series
Design & Development
pixelschupser GmbH
Martin-Luther-Straße 63
67433 Neustadt an der Weinstraße
Phone: +49 (0) 6321 8799898
Email: info@pixelschupser-nw.de
Web: pixelschupser-nw.de